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Going Down-Safer Oral Sex

Going Down-Safer Oral Sex
Condom companies introduced the flavored/scented condom to address the health concerns around oral sex.There are still those within the population believe that “oral sex” isn’t really “sex”. Rather..its just “some kinda fun thing that we all engage in”.

Many people believe that because oral sex isn’t vaginal or anal penetration, there is little to no risk of contracting an STI/STD. But the fact is, you can get all STIs, (except for pubic lice and Trichomoniasis) when engaging in oral sex with someone who has the infection.Here are a few ways to  contract an STI

Skin to skin contact
Sexual fluids (vaginal fluids and semen)

Humans are gifted with several orifices.And nature tells us that orifices are meant to have something shoved into them. After all, its difficult to tell the difference between a rabbit hole and a gold mine. Both look about the same, and both have an entrance.

When someone is engaging in oral sex, they can come into contact with someone’s blood, sexual fluids, and/or skin. But the good news is that there are ways to prevent STI transmission from happening! Using a condom for oral sex on a penis will help drastically reduce your risk of transmitting an STI. If oral sex is being performed on the vagina or anus, a  dam (or latex barrier) can be used to help reduce your risk also!

Condom manufacturers and distributors understand the reluctance to engage in oral sex while dealing with the rather unpleasant taste/odor.
Going Down-Making Love Better
Although regular latex condoms on the market today are produced with a lower latex scent, why not increase the pleasure and the strain on the olfactory senses by making flavoured condoms available.Several brands carry flavoured condoms.

LifeStyles Luscious Flavours-144/Pack

LifeStyles SKYN (Non-latex) Cocktail Club Condoms

Durex Tropical Condoms

Trojan Luscious Flavours
Oral Barriers (Dams)
Oral barriers, usually called dams, are barriers that reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections when participating in oral sex. An oral barrier is a thin sheet of rubber latex or polyurethane in a rectangular shape that measures approximately 10″ x 6″.

5 Assorted Flavours-Banana-Grape-Mint-Strawberry-Vanilla

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